
What’s Driving Me This Week

I’m very much torn between “Oh thank goodness it’s finally April” and “fuck me how is it already April” today, but I suppose I’ve also felt that every other month this year so far. Time is moving both too quickly and not quickly enough. Someone should philosophize about that.

1. I get to hang out with some trees this week

It’s been a long winter. I appreciate that my job does not require me to be outside very much in the winter, but we’re at that point of spring when I emotionally/spiritually need to start walking amongst trees (for work) again. Thursday’s my day, baby, and maybe sooner if somebody else gets back to me.

2. Lots of exciting stuff coming up in April

April’s the month I’ve been waiting for for like, most of March. I’m moving myself to Wisconsin (going to be back and forth between MI and WI all summer), and I will finally get to formally introduce myself to my trees there. I get to visit my mom, and we’re gonna go see Springsteen. Temps are going to keep warming and buds are going to keep bursting and maybe, hopefully, by the end of this month, it’ll feel like winter is mostly over.
